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NDEA Auditing – Moving forward (Classroom)

Course length 1 Day
Suitable for Qualified NDEAs
Qualifications 5 Hours CPD
5 Hours CPD

This classroom based CPD course has been specially designed for NDEAs to provide further knowledge of the new Auditing process and also includes common issues with data collection and entry.

Course Content:

  • New auditing procedures
  • Evidence requirements
  • Common issues, includes:
    • Weather location, orientation and aerial view
    • Constructions and Building Regulations
    • Level of assessment
    • Building types and activities
    • Zoning
    • Air permeability
    • HVAC efficiencies
    • How Water Systems
    • Geometry
    • Ventilation and Extract
    • Lighting
    • Recommendation Report
    • Relodgements
    • Photos, site notes and floorplans
    • How SBEM Online can help with reducing audit fails
  • Be the auditor exercise

No dates available

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